Welcome To Rottingdean Parish Council


Transfer of St Aubyns Field. Although good progress has been made in preparing St Aubyns Field for transfer to the Parish Council, the landscaping of the Field needs further time to mature over the winter to reach the standard agreed. Because of this the developer, Fairfax, have suggested that the transfer of the Field, Chapel and Pavilion to the Parish Council be delayed until Spring 2025. Councillors are reviewing the implications of this and will make a final decision at the October Council meeting. A delay would be disappointing, but it is important that we ensure the Field meets the full specification agreed between the Council and Fairfax and is in the best possible condition for the community to enjoy.

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2023/24 
The external audit of the Parish Council Annual Governance and Accountability Statement has now been published and is available for inspection - see here details 

Major Road Works in Rottingdean
. Carriageway surfacing repairs on the A259 Marine Drive will be taking pace from 9th  September to 2nd  October 2024. The work will take place west of High Street (outside White Horse Public House) and finish east of Longridge Avenue. Temporary traffic signals will be installed along the A259 between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. A number of roads will have their junctions with the A259 closed during the works including the High Street,  Newlands Road and Chailey Avenue – see here for more details.

E-Petition for creating a ‘Light Touch’ Controlled Parking Zone in Rottingdean. The Parish Counil is aware of residents’ concerns about lack of parking in the village. There is no easy solution to this. However, a number of residents have raised an inline petition with a proposal for a light touch controlled parking Zone. Councillors are aware that there will be different views regarding this proposal but consider that residents should be aware of its existence and what it means. The Parish Council RPC is not involved in the petition but will monitor residents' interest over the coming months. For any questions please refer to the official BHCC links provided. The petition reads as follows;

“We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to improve road safety by creating a ‘Light Touch’ Controlled Parking Zone in the residential area of Rottingdean including the streets and roads east of the confluence of Nevill Road and the A259 fully inclusive of the area East of Newlands Road and bounded in the North by the intersection of The Green and Falmer Road. Parking of vehicles in Rottingdean is becoming increasingly difficult for residents as available parking is now being used as an unofficial park and ride into Brighton and surrounds with people parking here and getting the bus to and from the city. This being a far cheaper option than parking within Brighton itself. A wide range of vehicles are being dumped or kept here by non-residents forcing residents to park a long way from their homes. The challenges developing are particularly evident as schools empty for the day and, as no casual parking is available, pick up parking is being made illegally increasing congestion and making the roads even more unsafe.This ePetition runs from 09/07/2024 to 23/10/2024..”

A light touch scheme has blocks of controlled hours zones, for example, Monday to Friday 9 am to 10 am, or 2 pm to 3 pm.  You do not need a permit to park in these zones outside controlled hours. Permits for these zones cost less than permits for full scheme zones. Should the petition receive a significant number of signatures, BHCC will undertake consultation on the need for, and nature of, a controlled parking scheme. You can find the online petition here, find out more about the online petitions here and what happens next  and about controlled parking zones here.

St Aubyns Community Field - update August 2024
. Work to prepare the Field, Chapel and Pavilion for transfer to the Parish Council is nearing completion and the handover is now expected around the end of September.  Landscapers will be on site for the next month. The grass is being established and will receive its first cut within the next month to promote further growth. The Local Area of Play installation will be completed in the next few weeks with a surrounding fence and health and safety signs. A Wildflower area will be seeded in the Autumn ready for 2025 flowering.
 The landscape art/seating, ‘The Sweeps’, will be completed when the coloured glass rocks arrive which is expected next week. Both the Chapel and The Pavilion renovations have been completed and bird and bat boxes and bug hotels will be installed to encourage wildlife in various locations across the site. Welcome signs will shortly be installed at each point of entry to the Field and in due course picnic benches and combined dog/waste bins will be installed. 

Be a Councillor! Council Vacancies Three Councillor vacancies have arisen on Rottingdean Parish Council Are you interested in applying? Serving on the Council will give you the opportunity to play a vital role in shaping the future of the Parish. You will represent the interests of the local community and contribute to the Council’s work maintaining and improving local facilities and services. It is a rewarding role and we would welcome your experience in helping us achieve our ambitious goals. Find out more and download and complete the application form and eligibility declaration here. 

 See News for more

Rottingdean Parish Council 

Rottingdean is the only Parish Council in the Brighton and Hove area funded by a small addition to the Council Tax (the precept). There are 9 Councillors elected every four years. Rottingdean Council’s aim is to:

  • To preserve and protect the natural environment, seafront, green spaces and character of our village
  • To promote and enhance the quality of village community life, services and amenities
  • To monitor and influence priorities for the development of the built environment, highways, traffic, and pathways by working closely with relevant BHCC  departments

In all our work and indeed in deciding how best to use our delegated powers the Parish Councillors, who remain unremunerated, always have the best interests of residents in mind.  Having a Parish Council is a vital part of local democracy ensuring the Rottingdean residents have much more say in the future of the village and that the interests of residents are directly represented in wider decisions on infrastructure and planning. The Parish Council’s delegated powers mean we can contribute to a range of local services and amenities which may otherwise be given a much lower priority given the pressures on Brighton and Hove City Council.

Supporting Activity

To preserve and protect the natural environment, seafront, green spaces and character of our village
  • By maintaining the Village Pond
  • Through the Beacon Hill Nature Reserve Stewardship Group
  • The installation of a new Pond Path
To promote and enhance the quality of village community life, services and amenities
  • Making the Lower High Street a pedestrian priority area
  • Refurbishing Park Road Toilets
  • Providing Grant funding to local community groups and charities
  • Providing a new green space at the centre of the Village – St Aubyns Field
  • Supporting artistic and cultural events
  • Promoting tourism and economic activity
  • Working with BHCC to improve the Air Quality in the High Street
To monitor and influence priorities for the development of the built environment, highways, traffic, and pathways by working closely with relevant BHCC departments
  • Scrutinising all planning applications
  • Working with BHCC to manage Air Quality
  • Co-funding pavement repair on the High Street
  • Working with BHCC on a solution for lighting of the Twitten

Rottingdean Council is funded by a small amount added to the Council tax (the Council tax precept) that is agreed in April each year. Funds are used to improve to the Village environment and make grants and donations to initiatives and activities which benefit the Community. Our grant application form and guidance can be found here

The Parish Council has a number of Advisory Groups that consider the detail of proposals and make recommendations to the full Parish Council to consider. See more here

First created in November 2010, this website is regularly updated and new ideas for content are often added. As well as providing public information, the Parish Council wishes to hear your feedback, ideas and comments, so please e-mail your views direct to us at enquiries@rottingdean-pc.gov.uk 

The current Rottingdean Parish Councillors are:

Clerk to the Parish Council:  Chris Hayes


Quick Links

Contact us
What We Do!

Report a Problem 
Report a Pothole
Report a Car Parked Where it Shouldn't Be
See the Parish Council Projects
Find Planning Information

Apply for a Council grant.  Click here for the application form. Applications will be considered at the next Council meeting following receipt of an application form. See a record of grants provided over the last few years here

To obtain Parish Council documents see The Parish Council Publication Scheme

Contact Us


Council Clerk: Chris Hayes


Parish Council Clerk
Rottingdean Parish Council,
The Gables,
6 Dean Road,
Rottingdean, BN2 7DH

Rottingdean Parish and South Downs National Park
Rottingdean Parish Boundary


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